Bildgalerie Kalifornien
… I started my work again! - and in the most exciting environs, - the Big Sur. … The coast was on a grand scale: mountainous cliffs thrust buttresses far out into the ocean, anchored safely for an eternity: against the rising sun, their black solidity accentuated by rising mists, and sunlit water. … My desert rocks were much easier to work with, and quite as amazing, or more so. They were physically approachable, I could walk to their very base , touch them. At Big Sur, one dealt with matter from hundreds of feet to many miles distant. The way will come in time to see this marriage of ocean and rock. ...
Edward Weston, Daybooks March 2nd, 1929
Highway No 1, Big Sur 39 / 42
Westons Zitat drückt wohl am besten aus, worum es hier in Big Sur geht: Um Natur, deren Maßstab sich dem Menschen entzieht und die sich ihm deshalb verweigert. Zu mächtig ist sie, Einhalt gebietend, für uns nicht zu fassen. Nur in der Zeit sagt Weston, können wir diese Verbindung von Fels und Ozean begreifen.